Thursday, 28 November 2013

I'm A Bad Person...

Now, although I may be partial to a drunken rendition of 'That's what makes you beautiful', I have never been a true fan of One Direction. That was until they released their new album. And now there's no going back, I am…a Directioner.

Only joking! I am yet to be converted, but have stood at the altar and maybe said a few prayers to the current gods of boy-bandary. Obviously I haven't bought the full album because that would be far too uncool…but there are two belting tracks on it. Firstly 'Through The Dark' and then 'Happily'. Tracks that unashamedly reside in my 'Top 25 Most Played'; an honour that rivals a Brit award. I have had a sneaky peruse of the full album, and on the whole it's not bad. In fact, it's pretty darn enjoyable. It doesn't feel like I'm listening to my little sister's CD, but at the same time it is still a guilty pleasure. It's obvious that the band is maturing and that can only be a good thing.

With (what I assume is) their first foray into folk territory the fast-strumming, Mumford & Sons-esque, Lumineers essence really does it for me. Whilst yes, the lyrics are about heartbreak and tweeny-bop love they don't subtract from the quality of the songs. Through The Dark in particular has me singing and foot stomping along, all in the privacy of my own home of course.

And whilst two songs does not a Directioner make, it's a slippery slope, one false move and I may just be sharpie penning my palms with "I <3 1D" whilst simultaneously shipping (whatever that is)

Peace and blessings.

(update, also just discovered that Does He Know? is so Rick Springfield's Jessie's Girl. Which quite frankly is the best song ever)

Monday, 25 November 2013

An Interview With Myself

Hello, for those people unfamiliar, please introduce yourself.
Hey, I'm Lily. An 18 year old originally from Manchester but currently studying Broadcast Journalism at the University of Leeds.

How refreshingly normal! And how are you today?
Erm, to be honest I'm pretty shitty. Feeling rather ill so I'm surviving off copious amounts of green tea with some super noodles thrown in for good measure.

Green tea, very edgy.
Not really, I would have normal tea but I don't want to go get any milk in case I run into my flatmates.

Do you not get along?
No, we get along fine, just couldn't handle the awkward conversation I would have to make. And I don't think I have any milk left anyway.

Hashtag student problems! Am I right? Anyway tell us about your blog. 
Yeh, right. Well I started it today. Have had a few affairs with blogger before but they all turned out to be short-lived. Hopefully this one will stick.

How about you tell us how you thought of the name, 'Call The Crocodile'. Unusual, no?
Well the first time I went to my favourite restaurant in Leeds, on the bottom of the bill the waiter had written "Never call the crocodile saw mouth until you've crossed the river". Thought it was good advice for life. Not that I'd call the crocodile saw mouth once I've crossed the river, name calling is hurtful.


I'm afraid that's all we've got time for today, but good luck in the future. Peace and blessings.
Err, cheers.